November 25, 26 & 27

Stuck in A Business rut? I’ve created a proven And Repeatable model that I personally use to generate $1M+ per month.

Imagine Being Able To Successfully Scale Your High-Ticket Offer Reliably & Consistently…

And Do It In A Way That Actually Saves You Time.

I know that’s a pretty bold statement, but it’s totally possible.

If you had an entirely fleshed-out marketing strategy that went deeper than just creating a VSL or Challenge funnel, you could have something that finally worked time and time again instead of having to jump from one ‘solution’ to the next.

Imagining having a proven system that you get to rinse and repeat month after month, keeping your free time to yourself.

Gone are the days of:

❌ Feeling constantly ‘stuck’.

❌ Needing to try the newest tactic each week.

❌ Spending countless hours brainstorming new funnel ideas.

The Proven Model Is Like A
High-Ticket Cheat Code

This isn't some magic trick where you're going to be able to scale to 7-figures per month instantly.

No, this takes real work.

But what this can do for you is take the confusion out of the process so you can purely focus on getting the results you want from your business, instead of being stuck trying to figure out new 

✅ Discover The Exact System We’ve Used To Generate 7-Figure Months For 36 Months In A Row

✅ Capture The Attention Of Your Audience And Actually Keep It Long-Term

✅ Stand Out Online No Matter What Industry You’re In And Have A Repeatable Process For You And Your Team

let’s be honest, You Already know that every failure takes You one step closer to success…
… But how many more failures can your business really take?

How many more Facebook ad campaigns can you launch, fingers crossed and breath held, dreaming of backend profits… only to find the profits are dismal?

How many coaches or consultants can you onboard, lured by their big promise of a “game changing strategy”… only to end up with a migraine bigger than the grand canyon?

How many more dives into your analytics can you endure before your MacBook Pro gets a free flying lesson out the window, after witnessing your latest “brilliant” strategy flop once again?

Isn’t it high time you kicked your growth into overdrive, redefining your business’s trajectory and rocketing it into True success?

How about waking up each morning, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, and, upon checking your numbers, feeling a shot of excitement shooting through your veins?

Instead of hitting refresh like a caffeine-fueled day-trader hoping for a market miracle, you're now double-checking, triple-checking, because these digits on the screen are so mind-blowing, you need to confirm they're real.

Those marketing meetings you dread? Pfft! Now it's the best part of your day.

Suddenly, your creative juices are flowing again, no longer dammed up by the relentless grind of mere survival.

You're right where you should be, pouring your all into serving your audience, free from the never-ending treadmill of business worry.

And that is a reality worth a midnight toast, popping champagne in celebration of the rock-solid consistency your business enjoys, month after glorious month.

The Proven Model Is Not Just About Learning Some Cool Marketing Tactics You Can Use To Make Some Extra Profit...

... It's a Completely Repeatable System Designed To Give You Everything You Need To Scale Your Offers And Grow Your Profit.

How Did We Boost Our Business To Million-Dollar Months?

We Used Our ABC Strategy.

On the face of it, there are just three elementary stages to successful crank up your high-ticket offer to 11.

When you become a master of these three stages, scaling becomes a simple and repeatable science.

So, what's the magic formula that bridges the chasm between the land of 7-figure years and 7-figure months?

I call it the ABC's of scaling.


Sure, these three stages might seem to skim the surface when it comes to scaling, but it's the elements within these stages that infuse real horsepower into your business engine.

It's like pouring rocket fuel into your dependable Toyota Corolla. We're talking explosive growth here (without the literal fireworks, of course).

Mastering these three stages enables you to:

  • Command Attention... and keep it secured.

  • Forge bonds so strong, you'd have a league of loyal followers.

  • ​​Deliver value without consigning yourself to the dreary business 'Friend Zone'.

  • Make your customers line up, wallets in hand, ready to enroll in your high-ticket program.

Because let's face it, The last thing you want is to leave one crucial puzzle left unplaced.

Ponder over this...

You might have a fanbase that worships the ground you walk on... but they never shell out a penny for you.

Or perhaps you have hoards of customers... but they're only interested in your low-ticket items.

Even worse, people might subscribe to your email list, but they view you with the same trust they'd afford a snake oil salesman.

Lack of just a handful of these elements could catapult your business into Piranha-filled waters.

That's something no business can stomach.

Not yours. Not mine. Not any business worth its salt.

We need to attract, bond and commit. And do so effectively and profitably.

This is the secret sauce to scaling massively.

"But Wait... Who The Heck Are You To Tell Me All This?"

 Top 1% Coach & Multi-Million Dollar CEO

Krista Mashore is in the top 1% of coaches nationwide making over $1 million dollars a month every month utilizing her proven Million Dollar Month Model. She has also been in the top 1% of realtors nationwide for 20 years.

She is the recipient of 11 Two Comma-Club Awards (Each generating over 1 MILLION dollars in sales) , 2 Two Comma Club X Award (Each generating over 10 MILLION dollars in sales, and one Two Comma Club C Award (Generating 25 MILLION dollars in sales).

Krista is the author of four best selling books focusing on digital marketing, and was named Yahoo Finance’s number 1 digital marketer to watch in 2021!

She can also be found among the top 125 most impactful leaders in 2022 alongside Tony Robbins according to Success Magazine and has just been named in the top 2 affiliates for Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi's largest affiliate launch of 2022.

She has been featured in Forbes, Inman News, The Wall Street Journal, NBC, Fox, and many more! Krista recently went from zero to 51 million dollars in five years, averaging $1,555,000 a month in the last two years.

She is also a member of Russell Brunson's Inner Circle, Atlas Mastermind & The War Room Master Mind Group.

Krista has a masters degree in curriculum and instruction. Always being a teacher at heart, she loves serving people and has turned her attention to sharing the secrets of her successes by coaching professionals across the nation.

Through her coaching, teaching, speaking and training, Krista is revolutionizing the way entrepreneurs make money.

She offers an innovative step-by-step approach on how entrepreneurs can gain a massive digital footprint utilizing her Million Dollar Month Model.


November 25, 26 & 27

Stuck in $10k-$200k+ per month rut? I’ve created a proven And Repeatable model that I personally use to generate $1M+ per month.

Prepare yourself for a 3-day virtual Experience that’s Specifically Designed To Reveal The Exact Process We Use To Have million-Dollar Months.

Here’s what you’ll walk away with once you complete the three days of virtual training...

You’ll have the keys to the exact model I employ to generate over $1M monthly in my own coaching business.

But I won’t stop at just giving you a peek. I’m going to lift the lid and give you all the juicy details.

Every intricate detail, every finely-tuned element that makes this all work, I’ll lay it all out for you.

It’s like taking the ultimate crash course in business speed-up, then getting handed the coach’s own game plan. You’ll be filled to the brim with solid steps and strategies, you’ll be excited to get back to your business and apply it all right away.

In short, you won’t just be attending an event - you’ll be kick-starting your journey to results that could potentially have you doing a victory dance around your home office ASAP.

So, strap in, it’s going to be one heck of a ride.

Our Knowledge Industry Is Expected To Grow To Over $1 Trillion By 2030!

Our industry is growing rapidly which is why right now is literally the perfect time to implement the strategies to grow your audience, enhance your sphere of influence and truly make a difference in the world with your business.

People out there NEED what you have to offer, and I want to reveal the exact system we've personally used to scale our business to $1M+ per month.

We of course can't guarantee that you get any results like us, but I'll be breaking everything down so you have complete and total clarity on my system.

At The Proven Model Virtual Event, You Will:

Day 1 - Uncover My ABC Formula

During day 1, we'll dive into the foundations of my ABC Formula that we've personally used to scale to Million-Dollar Months Consistently. Obviously we can't make any promises on what you can earn, but we're going to reveal everything to you.

Here's What You'll Learn During Day 1:

  • ​How To Build A Sphere Of Influence That Not Only Listens, But Hangs On Your Every Word

  • ​Harness The Untamed Power Of Ethical Persuasion: Learn How To Coax Your Prospects’ Frontal Lobes To Orchestrate Their Buying Behavior To Your Tune

  • ​Discover The 7 Hidden Levers For 7-Figure Events

  • ​Evade The Chilling, Profit-Bleeding Abyss Of The Business ‘Friend Zone’ – Learn How To Make ’Em Salivate For Your Offer Instead Of Just ‘Liking’ You.

  • ​Decode The ‘Three R’ Enigma For Exponential Growth – A Secret Formula Known Only To Industry Elites.

Day 2 - Transform Your Business

During day 2, we'll take the foundations learned in day 1 and break it down into actionable steps so you know how to apply the ABC's to your own business, no matter what industry you're in. This is where the rubber meets the road!

Here's What You'll Learn During Day 2:

  • Peel Back The Veil On The Cryptic ‘Monetization Multipliers’ – Discover The Secret Mechanisms That Could Catapult You Into The Million-Dollar-A-Month Club.

  • ​​Witness My Raw Confession: A Gruesome $900K Loss In A Single Month, And How You Can Dodge This Catastrophic Pitfall.

  • ​Unearth The Guarded Strategies Behind Offers That Irresistibly Convert

  • ​Master The Art Of Embedding $100k Ideas Into Your Events

  • Unearth The Trust Escalation Model – A Step-By-Step Blueprint To Catapult Your Credibility And Forge Iron-Clad Trust At Warp Speed.

  • ​Control The Invisible Strings Of ‘Parasocial Relationships’ – Forge A Hypnotic Brand With Fanatics Who’ll Follow You To The Ends Of The Earth.

Day 3 - Build Momentum

Day 3 is all about making sure you leave this event prepped and ready to take massive action and apply this to your own business. We know that overwhelm can have a tight grip about an intense 3 days of training, that's why we make sure you leave with action steps designed to help you get results as quickly as possible.

Here's What You'll Learn During Day 3:

  • Peel Back The Veil On The Cryptic ‘Monetization Multipliers’ – Discover The Secret Mechanisms That Could Potentially Catapult You Into The Million-Dollar-A-Month Club.

  • Dive Into The 1980's Time-Hacking Secret That The Busy Elites Use Every Day

  • ​The 15-Minute Transformation That Boosted Our Clients Success Rate

  • How To Knock Down Your ‘Big Domino’ – Unleash A Tidal Wave Of Conversions And Let The Profits Pour In!

  • ​Crack The Code Of The ‘Snowball Momentum’ – How A Seemingly Innocent Hour Could Transform Into A Relentless $200K Monthly Cash Avalanche.

In A Nutshell, Here's Exactly What You'll Get...

  •  3 Days Of Live Training designed to give you everything we've used to scale your high-ticket offer.

  • ​Access to a private community where you get to discuss and meet others on the same journey as you.

  • ​Extra surprises along the way to make sure you get the results you're looking for :-)

This 3-day masterclass will show you my exact milion-dollar month model so you can Learn Exactly How We scaled our high-ticket offers predictably.

Month after month, we've generated on average $1M because of this exact model (Sometimes as high as $4M per month).

click the button below to save your space for the proven model 3-day masterclass.

Here's What PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT The Proven Model...

Boom another million dollar day...

boom another million dollar day...

consistently over and over and over again month in and month out for years in a row now!

- Russell Brunson

Anthony Trucks - Former NFL Player & Identity Coach

 "This will be the thing that changes everything for the future for us"

Shamina Taylor - Host of the Quantum Woman Podcast

"She helps you dig into a place you didn't even know existed ... Million dollar months is totally doable...  ITS HAPPENING" 

Kyle Livingston - Owner of 7 Figure Industry 

"I have never seen anyone break something down to such a granular understandable level as much as she does"

Tony Delgado -  Owner of Latino Wall Street

"It's not every day someone shows you the step by step strategy someone uses to make million dollar months every month"

Camille Beckstrand - Certified Life Coach for Moms & Families

"To say that my mind has been blown is an understatement. She is giving me strategy and tactics to take home and implement in a way no coach has ever done before." 

Josh Brown - Owner of Epic Coaches & Leaders

"Next Level... no body else is doing it like that. You got to check this out. She really cares about you and your business growth"

"Why Do I Need This Right Now?"

Well, as the old saying goes, "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now"

Why endure another day stuck in the swamp of sluggish growth? Why not just engineer your own escape, armed with the exact tools you need to profitably scale your business?

Why consent to the shackles of stagnation, when you could be growing expansively, surrounded by raving customers?

Doesn't it tickle your funny bone to think that mastering the science of scaling now could mean you can kick back, relax and focus more on serving your audience? It's what I focus on, and you can too.

So, what do you say? Ready to plant that metaphorical tree and bask in its shade of success?

Look, Let’s Shoot Straight Here…

Since you’re still reading, it means you’re the kind of person who doesn’t just wait for a thunderstorm to make a rainbow, you’re raring to go and ready to make success happen now.

That tells me we’re cut from the same robust cloth, you and I.

I’ve pumped millions into honing my Million-Dollar Month Model, not because I’m fond of burning cash, but because I believe in shaping my destiny, just like you.

Now, imagine this – I’ve done all the grueling work, weathered the financial hurricanes, and came out with an exact process.

And guess what? I’m ready to unfurl this map and share the riches with you.

Are you game? Ready to go on this behind-the-scenes adventure and gaze upon the wonders of my Million-Dollar Model?


November 25, 26 & 27

Stuck in Business rut? I’ve created a proven And Repeatable model that I personally use to generate $1M+ per month.

Here Are The Answers To Your Questions...

When Will This Virtual Masterclass Be Held?

This masterclass will be held on November 25, 26 & 27, from 8AM to 2PM PST (11AM - 5PM EST)

Will Krista Be Doing The Teaching?

Yes - Krista will be hosting most of the event.

Will There Be Recordings If I Can't Make It Live?

Yes! There will be recordings available but they will only be available for a few days after the event finishes.

How Much Money Should I Be Earning Right Now For This To Be Of Value To Me?

It doesn't matter how much you're earning. If you're ready to roll up your sleeves and implement what you learn, you'll find this to be incredible valuable for you.

Is This Masterclass Really Worth The Time?

Listen - I totally get it. I'm extremely busy too, so the idea of attending a 3-day event is crazy to me. But this isn't just about 'attending an event'.

It's about learning the exact strategy you can use to build, sell and scale your business in a way that allows you to have more free time.

This is a time investment that will be so well worth it.

When Will This Virtual Masterclass Be Held?

This masterclass will be held on November 25, 26 & 27, from 8AM to 2PM PST (11AM - 5PM EST)

Will Krista Be Doing The Teaching?

Yes - Krista will be hosting most of the event.

Will There Be Recordings If I Can't Make It Live?

Yes! There will be recordings available but they will only be available for a few days after the event finishes.

How Much Money Should I Be Earning Right Now For This To Be Of Value To Me?

It doesn't matter how much you're earning. If you're ready to roll up your sleeves and implement what you learn, you'll find this to be incredible valuable for you.

Is This Masterclass Really Worth The Time?

Listen - I totally get it. I'm extremely busy too, so the idea of attending a 3-day event is crazy to me. But this isn't just about 'attending an event'.

It's about learning the exact strategy you can use to build, sell and scale your business in a way that allows you to have more free time.

This is a time investment that will be so well worth it.

Copyright © 2024 · Krista Mashore Coaching ®

Krista Mashore can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. 
Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.
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